Aloe Vera

Natural Back Acne Treatments - Are There Any?
By control
Back acne, like other forms of acne is caused by hormones acting on the oil producing glands in the skin. This interaction leads to clogged pores and outbreaks on the surface of the skin. Natural back acne treatments are available to help deal with both the external outbreak and the infection that occurs under the surface of the skin.

The following list of natural remedies for back acne has provided relief and comfort for many. Try them out for yourself:

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is applied directly to the surface area of the infected skin. The oil penetrates the skins surface helping to control the infection while keeping the surface skin supple and hydrated. Tea tree oil soap may be used to treat the whole back and prevent further breakouts.

Capsule Supplements

Some evidence indicates that supplementing the diet with capsules containing Brewers yeast, potassium, magnesium and zinc help as a natural back acne treatment.

Lavender Essential Oil

When used as a natural back acne treatment lavender essential oil is rubbed on the skin surface. It stimulates circulation to the infected area,

helping to naturally cleanse the tissue. It is also a natural antiseptic and is used to treat wounds and burns to prevent scaring.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel has strong astringent properties and may be helpful in cleansing the skin area around a breakout of back acne or as a cooling toner that can be applied to the back as a natural acne treatment.

Aloe Vera

While does not stop outbreaks, it is a very effective natural back acne treatment for skin repair and reducing redness, swelling and scaring. is applied in gel form after a thorough washing of the affected area.

Natural Apple Cider Vinegar

This product, found in most health food stores, can be effective in treating back acne. Apply the apple cider vinegar, diluted with three parts water, to the acne at least twice a day. After a week increase the strength of the solution to half and half. If there is no irritation you can dab on the apple cider vinegar full strength. The astringent properties of the vinegar help clear up the acne. Discontinue use or go back to a weaker dilution if skin becomes irritated or burns after application.
The author has been providing highly beneficial Acne Home Treatment and understands what it take for effective Acne Treatment and hence has shared some of the vital experiences through the article.

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